I missed my football match tonight. It’s the first Thursday in seven months of our indoor season that I have not played- due to ligament injury. As I lay icing and compressing- I had the most cathartic experience.
In my email account I received the MOST EXCITING e-mail.
An email that I have been hoping for and dreaming about for years.
It was from the office of ResportOn. The Sports Hijab Company based in Montreal,Canada that designed the model Pro Release: the first FIFA approved hijab .
I, and thousands of Muslimah footballers, have waited for this moment.
A time when a product that is affordable ($60) and available in a variety of colours and is recognized, accepted and APPROVED by the International Football Association Board (IFAB).
“Salamaleikoum dear sister,
We are proud to announce the official launch of the ResportOn Pro Release!
Choose your colors
Be the first one to choose your colors! We have a variety of colors that will certainly fit your style and needs.
Fits for all sport, approved for Football
The Pro Release is suitable for many sports. The great news for football players is that the Pro Release design is approved by FIFA!
Get yours today
Since you reserved a Pro Release, you can directly purchase yours on our online store. If you don’t purchase it right away, your reservation will last for 10 days.
Order for your team and save
If you are part of a sport’s team, or have friends interested in purchasing the Pro Release, contact us directly to have information on our special promotion for teams. You’ll save on the garment and on the shipping!
Please feel free to contact me, if you have any further inquiries or comments.

Efforts on the part of ResportOn have also lead to convincing some regional
Soccer Federations in Canada, who were most reluctant, to allow hijabs on the pitch as part of a proper uniform.
I may not be able to play for a few weeks but I can’t wait to get back on the pitch with my FIFA-approved hijab.
I won’t be challenged, restricted or denied to play. Neither will thousands of women.
ProRelease is not only part of a football kit but also an incredible symbol of inclusion, ability and potential.
Reminding the world that football is for all of us.