
Muslims and Sports Workshop

Subject: Muslims and Sports Workshop

*Muslims and Sports Workshop*

*Call for Papers*

The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (Department of Anthropology and Sociology) invites paper proposals for an interdisciplinary workshop: Muslims and Sports (event date: July 2013). We encourage papers from postgraduates and early career academics; our environment is friendly and supports the sharing of ideas and creativity. Papers are encouraged on any sport, team, or individual and its relationship to Muslims and sports. Papers might address the following questions (though not limited to these):

- What distinguishes the relationship between (modern and folk) sport and Muslims and Islam?
- How has the relationship of Muslims and sport changed historically and geographically?
- How has Islamophobia and/or multiculturalism affected the role of sport for Muslims and Muslim societies and cultures – both locally and/or internationally?
- How have race, class, gender and disability played out at the intersection of Muslims and sport?

Proposals for papers should be sent by *email only* to sa112@soas.ac.uk

Convenor:* Dr. Sevket Hylton Akyildiz *
(Anthropology and Sociology Department, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London).

Inquiries and electronic submissions may be made to the convenor.

Proposals should not exceed 250 words in length.

*Proposals are due by 1 May 2013. *